Posted April 8, 2014 at 1:24 am


Remember how I said I wanted breakfast?

Well, all in all, I'd rather not eat and make an EPIC video for Hero, so… maybe I should start tightening up my belt. Or something. I have competition!

Speaking of epic videos and things, PegBoard Neds who are an electro dub step duo and I collaborated on a very DIFFERENT version of Hero. And now Superman flies through the air to my voice. Yes.



 And here is the new version by the Nerds, feat. me. 

I love it. I really hope it makes it into a Marvel film of some kind. An epic song for a fight in slow motion or a chase scene etc etc. Oh I can see it all in my head!




Posted April 7, 2014 at 12:06 pm

One week to go

In one week's time my EP Hero will be released to the world, as will the EP "Как Дети".

I am in Minsk, and this is where we performed last night. I really love it here. And this is a photo of the arena from the other night where the concert was:

Audience minsk

I really don't see how it gets any better than this, really, except that if this was MY concert 100%… but I guess that is just something to work towards starting now. Performing in an arena is so addictive. I loved every minute of it.

I have had so much fun performing with Shura & Lyova of B-2! And doing this with an orchestra on-stage has been such a treat.

Lyova Shura & me Tula1 Kaluga photo1

One week to go until my release of the Hero EP, the official music video for "Sorry", the "Как Дети" ЕР, which features three new songs in Russian.

А если вы читаете это по русски, приходите ко мне на концерт в это воскресенье:

Afisha moscow show
Posted March 19, 2014 at 1:11 am

Hero, Hero

What an unreal couple of days. 

I am on tour in Russia, supporting a veteran Russian band, B-2. I get to do the opening set, but then also sing seven duets with them throughout their own set, PLUS sing one of my own songs with orchestra.

Yes, I forgot to mention that there's a symphony orchestra, too, in addition to the band.

I am loving every minute of it. So far we have done two cities – Kursk and Oryol. The audiences in both were so warm and welcoming, it was like a dream. Maybe it is a dream. But it's also a homecoming of sorts. After all, I am Russian. I grew up here. I may not have spent the recent years here, but the roots run deep. For my opening set, I sing songs both in English and Russian.

The political situation leaves a lot to be desired… and here's to hoping it will improve, and very soon:( But as for this moment, I am here to sing for these people  - and hopefully remind them that sometimes you do get through, that life is not JUST struggle – sometimes after years of struggle you do get to live the dream.

On top of that, the PegBoard Nerds version of my single Hero is so, so good – and the Superman video it's attached to has gone viral – over 5 million views in the last two days. Here's the thing: I am already in heaven thinking about the fact that in the last 48 hours 5.5 million people have heard my voice.

That's enough for me.

But the response is mostly so positive – and today my site crashed because, apparently, the traffic to the site was too heavy for it to handle. This had never happened to me before: a definite first.

Hero is a very special song for me. I'll tell you why in the next post, though, because it's midnight here and I am absolutely knackered. Tomorrow's another show. See you then, goodnight.

Спокойной ночи!

Screen Shot 2014-03-20 at 12.08.39 AM
Posted March 17, 2014 at 12:59 pm

Here we go

My first single is out, and it's Hero, of course.



Go get it on iTunes so I can go buy some breakfast;)

There are other special annoucements in the pipeline, but it's a good start.

But I'm jumping on a train and tomorrow night I'll be singing in front of 3,000+ people.. with a symphony orchestra. Because why not?

It all begins now.


Posted February 11, 2014 at 3:48 am

The future holds fun things

..such as a crowdfunding campaign!

And a video or two.

I am finally over my cold and I have a month until my tour in Russia.

The Russian EP is finished and getting mixed.

I have started my own RECORD LABEL! It is called….wait for it…..wait for it…..

FLower Army Records

I can't wait to start releasing music. Me curly