Posted January 18, 2016 at 4:36 am

Happy New Year!

2016 took off at a run. There are a lot of changes and developments happening, one of which is me closing this blog down as separate site and transitioning it to be part of, as it should have been for a while.

You must be asking: what happened, Elly? Did you go to Japan? Did you have a birthday? Did you have a good Christmas?

Well, kind of yes to all of those and more. I have also moved. At the moment I am strictly nomadic, without a permanent address. Right now I am in Los Angeles. Prior to this it was Spain and Moscow. This Wednesday I am flying to Shanghai, where I will perform my song Odi et Amo in Chinese! After that I’ll be briefly back stateside, but then going to Tokyo for all of February!

I am learning Japanese and it’s been wonderful, plus I am still putting finishing touches on my Japanese language album, which will be released later in the year. So I’m off to Tokyo to take a language course, as well as explore it more, as I loved it the last time around. My love affair with Japan is in full bloom.

I have been writing and recording, don’t worry! There is not only one, but TWO new Pegboard Nerds collaborations coming up this spring. I wrote and recorded two brand new duets. Two of my songs are about to be featured in movies out next month.

I am also joining Patreon this summer, so if you are reading this blog, keep an eye out for that special link. The Patreon membership will allow me to provide new music and other content monthly, as I move around the globe and record in different languages.

I also performed at TED Global 2015 in December, which took place in Geneva, Switzerland. It was a wonderful experience. You can read a small write-up on it HERE.

We also shot a music video for the Japanese version of ‘Hero’, in collaboration with incredible floral artist Flower Couture (photo above is from my performance in Tokyo for Autodesk gallery opening, where she styled me). I can’t wait to share all of that with you!

There is a lot more, but I have to go back to working and nursing my cold. I know I promised many times I’d be better about blogging and I guess I lied. I can just imagine my father reading this and shaking his head at his daughter’s inconsistent behavior.

But hey! 2015 was a strange year and 2016 feels like the waves just got bigger. But I also feel like I am a much better surfer, so there. I am feeling creative and adventurous and this blog will not die, it will just resume a new life where it was always supposed to be – at my official site!

Stay tuned for the waves, my friends. And be assured that my absence here was not from hiding in a proverbial cave somewhere, it was just from being so ridiculously busy that I now know I need to organize myself 3,000 better. This spring is partially about that. I feel like I am about to take things to the next phase in more ways than one. Are you with me? I hope so:)

Posted October 20, 2015 at 4:35 am


Tonight I cried a lot.

And tomorrow I’ll be flying to Japan.

Elizaveta Japan flyer Engl

Posted October 6, 2015 at 4:33 am

New Life, Here I Am

Sometimes new beginnings hide themselves in endings and vice versa.

I am going through something big, and I can feel it in my heart, my stomach, my toes, as well as my fingertips.

It’s true that wherever you go, there you are. But sometimes you can leap and leave yourself behind for a split second.

I am not even sure what I mean here.

But I will be performing a concert in a couple of weeks. And I will sing the new me. After that I’ll be going to Japan.


Posted September 8, 2015 at 4:32 am


So as some of you know, I am a little bit obsessed with two things: flowers. And space.

That’s besides Japan, music and coffee. And flan.

So, at some point in the recent weeks, we pored over some NASA footage and thought it would be perfect for my song ‘Space Pirate’s Love Song’.

Also, I just got word that this video was screened for the NASA team who are involved in the Juno Mission. How cool is that??

Incidentally, this song has now been recorded in Japanese and is part of my Japanese language EP, to be released soon.

This is best watched in a dark room, full-screen.

I would probably make a poor astronaut, but when I was small, I wrote stories – in Russian – about space travel. There were always black or worm holes involved because I simply didn’t have enough patience to make sure the hero took his/her time getting from place to place. A timely jump through time and space was always necessary, otherwise speed of light is such a drag, don’t you think?

Our world is beautiful. If only we were all more aware of it.

Come sail the space with me…


Posted August 30, 2015 at 4:30 am


My song Hero’s version by Pegboard Nerds is being used for a very cool promo – it’s a reboot of an older TV show about superheroes, who are regular kids – well, sometimes. It’s called ‘Heroes Reborn’. This clip is so fun, it energizes me and makes me feel like I could be a superhero, too. Hmm. Food for thought.