HERO RETURNS Released on 10-Year Anniversary of HERO

HERO RETURNS is out now on September 23th, 2024.


About Fear and Heroes

Thank you so very much for listening to my new album. I was so afraid, that after my long absence, no-one would. But after just 3 days so many good things are happening. And thousands of people are listening. And my heart is a little less anxious and ready for the next steps.

Most of you know me as a person who has rather fearlessly sauntered around the world, self-assured-like, singing songs and living a charmed life.

Some of you know me as a very fearful, self-critical individual, often unable or afraid to start things for fear of failure.

Very few of you know me as a person who’d sometimes become so frozen with fear and anxiety, it would keep me from moving forward for months – and, recently, for years.

My original song Hero, which has now, with all its remixes and incarnations, gathered close to 100 million views on YouTube, was born not out of any particular feeling of bravery I had. It was written during a time when I was living through a major depression post-breakup with my record label (that’s another story), and in writing it, just like with my other well-loved song Dreamer, I was basically just trying to psych myself up.

I was afraid I was a failure. My favorite producers didn’t want to work with me because I had no budget anymore. My “big debut” album, while it was the best piece of work I had produced to date, didn’t do as great in a short time as expected by powers-that-be, so I felt like an all around loser.

So I set out to make something of my own. I had never produced before. I had never done complex arrangements before, not ones I would be courageous enough to show to the world.

And thus, Hero was born. It went on to be remixed by Pegboard Nerds in 2014, and was used for a viral YouTube video, spawning a remix competition. To this date, there are hundreds of versions of Hero floating around out there. To this date, people reach out to me, young and older alike, telling me this song inspired them and continues to inspire them.

I’d like to tell them it was born of courage, but it was actually born of fear. I often write songs to cheer myself up. This one was written to make myself feel brave because I felt small, unable and worthless.

It helped, and then, it has helped many others, apparently. It brought an energy into the world, which keeps on going.

But heroes can be very, very afraid. In my opinion, someone who is fearless, is not, by my definition a hero. To defeat your obstacles or limitations, or perform a courageous act of self-sacrifice or altruism – all heroic deeds – you often first have to step into your own fear first.

I am back, after an excruciating period of my life, with my new album Hero Returns. I hope it resonates with you and helps you on your journey through fear and outwards, towards the stars you deserve.

Now streaming everywhere.